Following the Sunnah
Attempt to see the crescent moon on the 29th. If it cannot be seen, complete 30 days. Then start the new month.
When the sky is clear, moon must be sighted by many people. 1 or 2 witnesses are not enough, there must be a large group of witnesses.
Validate witness reports by carrying out research such as making sure it was the moon they saw and not something else or the moon did not set before sunset.
Local moon sighting is what has been followed for over 1400 years for the start of Islamic months and more importantly it tells us when to start obligatory acts of worship like Fasting.
Following Saudi
Month started based on 1 minute of moon above horizon' rule created by Saudis. Not accepted by the majority of scholars.
One witness is enough. But this goes against classical fatwa where moon must be sighted by many people
No public record of sighting. Very secretive.
Not verified. Observatories not spotted moon but one witness has. Absurd.
Will not accept a report from outside of Saudi (Why should we?)
Follow Saudi for global unity will not work because of timezones e.g. if Australians were to wait for Saudi, it would be past their Fajr time before they hear what Saudi are doing.
No instruction in the Quran or Sunnah to keep dates in sync with Makkah. In fact, history shows that even when it was possible, Makkah and Madinah started some months on different days.
No fatwa given by any scholar to enforce such a rule that Saudi must be followed for Islamic dates. Conversely, the Imaams of Masjid-ul-haram (Makkah) have said that we should follow local decisions by the local Hilaal committee.
According to Sheykh Bin Baz رحمه الله (Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia) : “There is no proof in Quran and Sunnah to follow Saudi moon sighting.” (Al Ba'thul Islami p63, 1399HA)
Many Imaams know this and are bound by their mosque committees to follow Saudi blindly. Some of these Imaams even make up a fast!
What should we do?
As a seeker of knowledge, it is our duty to find out the truth. If we are aware that our Masjid is following Saudi for their Islamic dates, ask our local Masjid Imaam that why they are? Invite them back to Sunnah of Moon sighting.
RasulAllah (saw) stated: ‘The person who leaves a fast of Ramadan without a valid Sharia excuse (being ill or on a journey), if he was to fast for his entire life, he cannot fulfil the loss of that single fast of Ramadan he missed.’ (Tirmidhi/ Abu Dawood/Bukhari)