
Prophet Muhammad(Salal lahu Aliyeh WaSalam) said :
"The best among you are the best in character (having good manners)" [Bukhari]
“The only reason I was sent was to perfect good manners (character, ethics, ikhla’q )”
“The most heaviest thing you see in Mezan(ميزان) on the day of judgement would be good manners”
“The closet to me on the day of judgement are the ones who were best in their character(manners)”
“The best among you are those best to their families (wife and children)” [Tirmidhi]
“Allah(Az wa Jul) will have mercy on (Man or Women) who wake up in the night and see their children bare(without cover) and they cover their children”
"The best among you are those who are best in character (having good manners)"

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